Just for fun, we run around the Warner movie lot.

Publicly, the studio has disavowed any knowledge of the Warners' existence to this very day.when the Warners escaped! As for the Warners themselves, who made even less sense, they were locked away in the studio water tower, also never to be released. finally, they were captured.The Warners' films, which made absolutely no sense, were locked away in the studio vault, never to be released. *Narrator: The trio ran amok throughout the studio creating utter chaos. *Yakko, Wakko and Dot: Bye! Boingy, boingy, boingy, boingy! *Narrator: Unfortunately, the Warner kids went totally out of control, and sent the animators running through the hills. Ultimately creating three new characters: the Warner Brothers and their sister Dot.

Here at the studio's new animation department, the artists toil endlessly to come up with cartoon stars. *Narrator: "Newsreel of the Stars," dateline Hollywood 1930. *Colin: OK, see, one time, in the cafeteria, Randy Beaman was eating a baloney sandwich, then Jason made this gross noise (blows raspberry) and Randy Beaman laughed so hard baloney came out his nose! Really! Kay bye.